“Kaku’s so strong!” “Ran’s so graceful!” “Mochi’s so respectful!” He’ll be rude to whoever it is for like a few hours. ➼ Doesn’t like it when you compliment other gang members in front of him. It turns out that Rindou just told him that mysterious men were more attractive. You got worried, thinking something was bothering him so you asked if he was okay. ➼ One day, your boyfriend had a sudden personality change.

No, seriously, please drag him away before anything bad happens. He will talk a lot of shit and might even start a fight. When you two are walking outside and you walk past a person you dislike, he’ll be like a barking dog. You’re left to take care of him whenever he gets his ass kicked. He will fight ANYONE and challenge ANYONE. If you thought you’ve seen Shion at his most embarrassing in the manga, you’re wrong. You really have to watch his face when you’re cleaning his wounds because he will act all tough and tell you “Psh, it’s nothing.
Shion tokyo revengers Patch#
➼ Unlike Rindou in the previous headcanon post, Shion tends to understate his pain when you patch him up after a fight. If you cry, he will feel so bad and won’t know what to do because he’s not used to having someone worry for his safety :( You’re left worrying and wondering what happened to him until one day, he comes back explaining how he lost his phone during a gang fight (he was also out cold for three days but he skipped that detail). ➼ Sometimes, he will disappear on you FOR DAYS. Huh? Okay, okay, I’ll spend time with you, I guess.” It kinda makes you wanna punch him but please know that he also just wants to be told that he’s wanted. ➼ When you ask him to spend time with you, he’ll get so annoying! He’ll say, “Heh, you want to spend more time with me? You want me so bad, huh.
Shion tokyo revengers how to#
Slip in some suggestions on how to improve here and there. Seeing that you finished it, he was so happy and told you that he’ll do it again. He looked so proud of himself, though, that you couldn’t help but eat it. Thankfully, there was no fire! But you were presented with a barely edible dish. ➼ After watching Kakucho cook, Shion got this bright idea to cook for you. Passers-by will see this scary tattooed guy on a motorbike with a giant teddy bear strapped to his back. He’ll only remember midday, then panic for a while before rushing to a store. ➼ What did I say about being goldfish-brained? Shion’s the type to forget important dates like your birthday or anniversary. This was cut off when he faced a rude awakening in the form of Mochi slapping his head. Once, during a meeting, he pictured you slowly leaning in for a kiss romance-movie style while he carried you away from the “villains”. He imagines you being so impressed and amazed by him, saying “Wow, you’re so strong!~ My hero!”. ➼ Before you got together, Shion had this recurring fantasy of saving you from some other delinquent. Shion may suffer from Goldfish Brain and go over-the-top for you even when you wish he wouldn’t, but hey, he has his sweet moments. What’s it like having Shion as your partner? Gender-neutral HCs Good day, lovers of the great Shion Madarame, ex-leader of 9th generation Black Dragons.